Book A Strategic Consult

Are you ready to move your mission forward?

Here are 3 ways we can work together.

Helping nonprofits fulfill their mission for

over 25 years. 


I'm Terisa Clark, Your Strategic Partner To Help You Master The Money and Move Your Mission Forward!


For more than 25 years, I've helped executive teams and governing boards understand their financial situation and it's impact on their mission. More than just understanding the finances, I connect the dots to strategic decisions that propel them forward and further into their mission!

Ministries were able to serve more people.  Organizations were able to grow their programs.  And the staff were able to enjoy more healthy, thriving internal cultures at the nonprofits they served at.  If that sounds like something you want to discuss, book a time on my calendar for a strategic consult.  



We Value Sharing Wisdom for Your Success

Financial insights to keep you focused on the money matters. 

What is the Best Bank for Nonprofits?

Sep 05, 2024

What is the Fiduciary Duty of a Nonprofit Board Member?

Aug 29, 2024

Nonprofits and Political Campaign Activity

Aug 22, 2024

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