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Nonprofit Stewardship Is a Journey

best practices board finances foundation Sep 01, 2022

This week, I conversed with a friend about fitness and health journeys. The idea of a “journey”  got me thinking about what the word journey means to me and how what I know today, about eating well, moving, and being fit, is very different from what I knew 20 years ago.


I believe the same is true for nonprofits. Our finances are in a continuous improvement process, a journey.  This is what inspired ne to create my course that helps nonprofits, regardless of what stage in their journey they are currently.  We all have growth opportunities.  We never fully arrive. 


Check Out My Course Here


It's called the financially thriving nonprofit, and it takes us through four phases of finances in a nonprofit. 

Phase One and Two : The Foundation

Ensuring we understand the governance structure, the basic systems and processes, and the staffing needed to manage money. This phase is the foundational part of the journey. From here, we can then build on monitoring our finances, protecting our reputation within the community, effectively communicating, using the best budgeting practices and reporting.   


Phase Three: Building

Laying an excellent foundation in phase one and two leads us to establish solid building blocks on this journey. Some of those building blocks include; employee costs, how we manage our assets, and how we manage debt. Which leads us to Phase Four;


Phase Four: Accelerate

The accelerated phase is catapulted by soaring with the generosity of the people who have been able to believe in and see our mission that want to help fund it.


It continues with excellent visionary communication and completes with the ability to look at alternative or optional creative funding sources.


Wherever you find yourself today, I invite you to consider this course. It launches again in late September; you can learn more here.


If you go to under services, you'll see a tab called the course, and you can learn more about it there.


Who Is This Course For?

  • Finance directors
  • Finance team members
  • Other Nonprofit Staff Members
  • Executive Directors
  • Board Members


You'll walk away with clarity, unity and focus. You'll come to a place of knowing how to monitor your organization and finances. What sets this course apart from a good webinar or text book – is the application and group coaching with me and a group of peers!  This course will accelerate your journey towards a thriving nonprofit.


Wherever you're at in the financial journey, join me, and we can make fully funded mission  possible.

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