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3 Ways a Nonprofit CFO Can Support Your Board

best practices board finances foundation Jul 25, 2024

     Nonprofit CFOs bring tremendous value to the organization. Today we’ll dive deeper into how they provide strategic leadership. 

Executive Level Support

     A nonprofit CFO provides strategic leadership by supporting those that are at the executive level. My experience has been that nonprofit boards have incredible board members and sometimes even have financial board members, but that their experience comes from corporate businesses. So, they often hesitate at the board table because they're not confident in how to translate that expertise into the nonprofit realm. Well, a nonprofit CFO has tremendous value as a thinking partner and a strategist with the board or the Executive Director because they listen for values and identify goals, but they also can resource that vision with actionable strategy to make it a reality. When your CFO is also a nonprofit specialist, they don't hesitate because they know the nonprofit world and they draw on that experience to provide incredible support to your executive level.

Data-Driven Insights

     The second way a nonprofit CFO can be a strategic partner to the board is by providing data-driven insights. I often talk about how important that “rear view mirror” is to the person driving in the financial seat.  It represents the ability to look at what has happened in the organization’s financial past. A skilled nonprofit CFO possess the rare superpower of being able to look back at the data, find the related patterns and trends, and then  analyze and harvest that data for strategic direction to navigate what's up ahead. 

Major Decisions and Long Term Planning

     Finally, a nonprofit CFO has strategic advice that will guide major decisions and long-term planning. There's nothing more powerful than feeling confident in the direction that you've decided on and feeling secure that the financial ability to achieve your mission is solid.

      I believe a CFO's greatest value is found in their ability to focus on the future. That’s what I do and why I was created. It's what I love to be a part of. So if you're in need of these qualities, I encourage you to consider this question: 

Can you hire a CFO in your organization? 

Nonprofit CFO Alternatives

     If you're in a place where you can't yet staff that CFO role, I would love to join you in considering how I might serve your nonprofit as a fractional CFO. 

     But, if these fractional services are not yet possible for your organization, I’ve created a new option just for nonprofits like yours. It’s called Your Nonprofit CFO. This low cost monthly subscription will help you gain traction in moving your mission forward and it’s a great fit if you’re not able to hire that fractional work yet but still need ongoing support. 

In this monthly subscription you will receive:

    •  Exclusive access to a community of leaders 
    •  Teaching on topics that are pertinent to where you’re at right now
    •  A toolbox of nonprofit financial resources
    •  Access to monthly group coaching calls

To receive an exclusive invitation to this new opportunity, you can subscribe to my weekly financial tips here! 


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