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Financial insights to keep you focused on the money matters. 

The Financially Thriving Nonprofit Course Launches soon

finances foundation funding Dec 23, 2021

For many of us, nonprofit finance is a foreign language.  But even if you have an idea of where to start, your time seems to get sucked away on more urgent things.  

Each year, you find yourself thinking about what you should be doing:

  • start the budget process 3 months earlier
  • put the checks and balances in place to protect the money
  • measure your budget / ratios to others like you
  • dive into the donor records/trends

Unfortunately, most leaders never get around to doing these things. 

And 90% of people like you are feeling some level of financial stress in their work!  But imagine:

  • Having confidence that you’ve mitigated risks of theft in your organization!
  • Making strides in the financial areas and having more resources to say yes to do more ministry!
  • Feeling supported - knowing you have answers to the money questions!


My passion is to simplify financial matters, giving you the resources to tackle those daunting tasks and creating a scheduled time each week for you to focus on the finances.

I’ve organized my 25+ years of nonprofit financial experience into 4 simple phases (12 lessons) that will help you THRIVE Financially! Learn more and sign up here.

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